
Connecting with LIFE

The Spirit of Spectrum LIFE

Spectrum Life School works to inculcate its core values and the school spirit in children, enabling them to achieve, and lead with wisdom, foresight and caring. We hope that these values and this spirit stays with them through their lives, manifesting in their every action, adding a confidence born of striving to always do the right thing in the right way.


There is a fine balance of competitions and students presentations to ensure all children are given the opportunity to participate and hone and showcase their talents and skills. The assemblies are student led and based on the core values of the school.

Learning Projects

Projects help children to observe, reflect, analyse, synthesise and understand from multiple perspectives. They empower the child to think about problems, whether social, cultural, technological or ecological, in a systemic manner and become an agent of societal change. It is a wholesome integrated approach that goes beyond the boundaries of subject curricula and provides multiple opportunities for the children to revisit and rework thus creating an ethic of excellence through continuous planning, execution and reflection.

So far students have worked on various theatre projects, science projects, literacy projects, food projects and organising of various events and celebrations.


Tamil Thiruvizha

தமிழுக்கும் அமுதென்று பேர் அந்த தமிழ்
இன்பத் தமிழ் எங்கள் உயிருக்கு நேர்

என்னும் பாரதிதாசனின் கூற்றுக்கேற்ப நம் தாய்மொழியாம் உயரிய செந்தமிழின் சிறப்பையும்,அதன் பெருமைகளையும் நம் அடுத்த தலைமுறைக்கு கொண்டு செல்லும் நோக்குடன் எம் பள்ளியில் ஆண்டுதோறும் தமிழ்த்திருவிழா கொண்டாடபடுகிறது.


Teachers have always been the core of our identity. Teachers who are passionate, qualified, willing to learn and who love to working with young minds form our base. Regular teacher support and enrichment programmes are conducted by eminent trainers and resource persons to improve the knowledge base of our faculty.Parents who are the other end of the spectrum, have always been there to support us in the learning journey of our children. The frequent parent teacher interactions have strengthened the bond between the parents and the school and the various parent enrichment programmes have helped us work as one unit focusing on a holistic development of our children.
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